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Showing posts from August, 2023

6 Rules of Thumb for MongoDB Schema Design

“I have lots of experience with SQL and normalized databases, but I’m just a beginner with MongoDB. How do I model a one-to-N relationship?” This is one of the more common questions I get from users attending MongoDB office hours. I don’t have a short answer to this question, because there isn’t just one way, there’s a whole rainbow’s worth of ways. MongoDB has a rich and nuanced vocabulary for expressing what, in SQL, gets flattened into the term “One-to-N.” Let me take you on a tour of your choices in modeling One-to-N relationships. There’s so much to talk about here, In this post, I’ll talk about the three basic ways to model One-to-N relationships. I’ll also cover more sophisticated schema designs, including denormalization and two-way referencing. And I’ll review the entire rainbow of choices, and give you some suggestions for choosing among the thousands (really, thousands) of choices that you may consider when modeling a single One-to-N relationship. Jump the end of the post ...