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6 Event Driven Architecture Patterns — Part 2

6 Event Driven Architecture Patterns — Part 2

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

4. Schedule and Forget

  • Kafka allows for sequential processing of requests per some key (e.g. userId to have subscription renewal) that simplifies worker logic
  • Job schedule frequency for renewal requests can be much lower due to implementation of Kafka retry policies that greatly improve fault tolerance.

5. Events in Transactions

6. Events Aggregation

  • The completion notification logic does not have to reside in Contacts Importer service, it can be in any micro-service, as this logic is completely decoupled from other parts of this process and only depends on Kafka topics.
  • No scheduled polling needs to occur. The entire process is event-driven, i.e. handling of events in a pipeline fashion.
  • There is no possibility of a race condition between jobs completion notifications or duplicate updates by using key-based ordering and exactly once Kafka transactions.
  • Kafka Streams API is very natural for such aggregation requirements with API features as groupBy (group by Import Request Id), reduce or count (count completed jobs) and filter (count equal to number of total jobs) followed by the webhook notification side-effect.
    For Wix, using the existing producer/consumer infrastructure made more sense and was less intrusive on our microservices topology.

What I take from this


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